Marketplace platforms (Amazon and Flipkart etc.) collects order payment from your customers on your behalf. The payments are transferred at regular interval to your bank account after deducting the marketplace service commission. The Reconciliation Service at Zeabiz help you to ascertain whether all order payments have been received correctly. Any discrepancy is flagged up for resolution. This service provides the TDS and VAT calculation for the online account as well.
The businessman in you will keep you busy selling products on the marketplace because e-commerce is in-thing. This game is lot to do with the data than your intuition. You need to pause a bit and think how good you are doing profitability wise – Are you really making money? The Reconciliation Service brings you a clear picture on how good is your profit and enables you to take any course correction before it is late.
The inventory lock-up and efficiency matters. Our inventory and order management dashboard aid you to manage your inventory in real time, save money by inventory optimization and save you from going out-of-stock. The custom dashboard empowers you auto-process your orders and shipment as well.
Data data everywhere. The probability of higher profitability increases with your control and better understanding of your data. The quicker you analyse your data to take decision greater will be your success. The real time data analysis dashboard can be customize to suit your requirement to get your numbers in real time.